Marketing has long been a fundamental part of agency work, crucial for connecting with contacts and generating leads. Industry-wide adoption of CRM (Customer Relationship Management) technologies in recent years has driven a huge increase in potential reach, forcing real estate to digitalise their marketing to remain competitive.

Find out ways you can use Agency Pilot CRM to level up your digital marketing, increase exposure, and simultaneously reduce required effort...

Minimise Data Entry – Advertise on Multiple Portals

Agency Pilot CRM integrates with a long, and ever-expanding list of listing sites, including live feeds to Rightmove and Zoopla. Centralize your property data and market across multiple portals.

  • Manage and maintain your data in Agency Pilot CRM only
  • Reduce time spent by fee earners entering data across various platforms
  • Increase your reach overnight
  • Be safe in the knowledge that property listings are up to date and advertised accurately

Auto-Generate Particulars

Agency Pilot CRM has a powerful digital brochure tool for the generation of marketing property particulars. Populate PDF templates with property details at the click of a button!

We have just released a fresh selection of sample brochure templates, designed in-house, which can be added to your Agency Pilot CRM system with your logo, corporate colours, and chosen fonts. Choose one of our sample brochures to upgrade your firm’s marketing with minimal effort!

Targeted Email Marketing

Use the advanced property-applicant matching technology in Agency Pilot CRM to send personalised property emails to those with corresponding requirements. Your property details will reach all interested parties while remaining relevant to the recipient, showing you are catering to their unique needs.

Increase Engagement

Agency Pilot CRM users benefit from an integration with DotDigital, a powerful marketing platform. This integration has considerably increased the value of Agency Pilot CRM, with users now able to easily send out newsletters, and interactive emails that encourage engagement such as surveys, games, and questionnaires, to their mailing lists.

Significantly reduce the time fee earners spend on marketing efforts with Agency Pilot CRM and use time saved to win work.

Amy Trueman, 6th June 2023

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